Abram: school of charity and mission

cceesites sites > Symposium 2017 > Best Practices > Abram: school of charity and mission

Abram: school of charity and mission

9 March 2017 | | Best Practices

Abram – school of charity and mission – is an annual program which helps the youth to choose Christ in the Church and so to grow in their Christian missionary call in the contemporary world according to the graces given to the Emmanuel Community.

The weekly program contains 4 pillars: prayer, formation, mission and friendship. Each week the participants experience the praise and silent adoration, a Catechetical talk, sharing time in small groups and a time of snack. The weekly program is interrupted by different kinds of evening missionary activities or weekend retreats. Finally, every participant is personally accompanied by a team member of another member of the Emmanuel Community.

Youth pastoral care | Emmanuel Movement

Contact Person during the Symposium: Janez Evangelist Rus | Coordinator of youth in EU of Emmanuel Community