The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0Pursuing the Year of Consecrated Life (November 30, 2014 – February 2, 2015), here is a video clip “the Call”. This short film wants to be a pedagogical tool produced by the French Religious Conference in partnership with the French national service for vocations (SNEJV). The objectives are several : provoke an interpellation and a first reflexion, engaging debates and propositions. This video does not say everything. It is neither an illustration nor an instruction. It was experienced within groups of high school students and young people, and with adults working as youth ministry or vocation service members.
With adults, the video will enable exchanges and debates towards a joint culture of young and vocation ministry.
With young people, the video could be projected either to begin a meeting or at the end of a meeting and used as a synthesis, or during a vigil prayer in a more contemplative moment.
This video, conceived to be a tool integrated in a possible activity, could also find its place in a larger project integrated in a vocation ministry developing a call and interpellation culture.
The questioning, developed into 4 steps related to one another, will help the leader in animating the group.