Buone Pratiche

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Video “La Chiamata”

15 marzo 2017 |by | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

Dopo l’Anno della Vita Consacrata (30 novembre 2014 – 2 febbraio 2016), è stato prodotto un video clip intitolato “La chiamata”. Questo breve filmato è uno strumento pedagogico realizzato dalla Conferenza dei religiosi(e) di Francia, in collaborazione con il Servizio Nazionale Francese delle Vocazioni (SNEJV). Le finalità del filmato sono molteplici: provocare un’interpellanza e una prima riflessione, promuovendo dibattiti e proposte. Il filmato non dice tutto. Non è né un documentario né un insegnamento. È stato sperimentato con gruppi di giovani e con studenti delle scuole superiori così come con adulti impegnati nella pastorale dei giovani o vocazionale.

Il filmato consentirà, tra gli adulti, lo scambio di esperienze e dibattiti nella direzione di una cultura comune nell’ambito della pastorale dei giovani e delle vocazioni.

Per quanto riguarda i giovani, il film potrebbe essere proiettato sia per avviare una sessione sia a conclusione della stessa, oppure in un momento più contemplativo durante una veglia di preghiera.

Questo video è stato concepito per essere uno strumento da integrare in una possibile attività e potrebbe essere anche inserito in un progetto più ampio nell’ambito di una pastorale delle vocazioni con l’obiettivo di sviluppare una “cultura della chiamata e dell’interpellanza”.

La sessione delle domande, articolata in 4 momenti interrelati tra loro, potrà aiutare il responsabile ad animare il gruppo.

Servizio Nazionale per l’evangelizzazione dei giovani e per le vocazioni  | CE Francia

Centro giovanile-vocazionale „Tre compagni”

10 marzo 2017 |by | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

Centro francescano della pastorale giovanile-vocazionale „Tre Compagni” della Provincia dei Frati Minori di Katowice in Polonia offre l’accompagnamento ed informazione sulle possibilità di fare un cammino di fede nello spirito di San Francesco e di Santa Chiara d’Assisi. La proposta e’ dedicata ai giovani (adolescenti e giovani adulti) sia quelli vicini alla Chiesa sia quelli già un po’ lontani dalla communità ecclesiale. Accanto alla formazione dei giovani si offre un iter formativo ad altri agenti di pastorale giovanile (laici, frati, suore, sacerdoti, chierici, catechisti, leader dei vari gruppi e movimenti). Per la realizzazione di questi scopi si utilizzano varie metodologie pedagogiche dell’accompagnamento qualificato, concentrandosi sulla presenza tra i giovani e con i giovani, attraverso vari incontri di preghiera, formazione, pellegrinaggi, divertimento etc. Uno spazio specifico viene dedicato al processo del discernimento vocazionale. Aiutiamo a scegliere la propria vocazione alla vita e alla santità mostrando il valore e significato di ogni tipo di vocazione alla vita nella famiglia, alla vita consacrata, al sacerdozio. In questo caso ci serviamo del nostro programma: „Sette passi del discernimento vocazionale” . Le nostre attività si possono seguire tramite il servizio di media sociali.

CEP – Catholic Education | BC Poland
FB: https://www.facebook.com/FCMP-Trzej-Towarzysze-189855137703221/
Contact Person during the Symposium: Bishop Damian Bryl  | Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznan – Member of the Council for Family and of the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Bishop’s Conference

Creating an ambiance in a Catholic university for vocational discernment

10 marzo 2017 |by | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

The worldwide study on “Youth cultures in catholic universities” conducted by the Federation in 2013 covered over 17,000 students in 55 universities from 35 countries in the world and revealed, among others, that students perceive the university as a course provider allowing them to prepare mainly for their professional lives. A consequence of this so-narrow image of a Catholic university is that the influence of Catholic ideals as well as the university campus minister on students is incredibly tiny.

Aware that some inspiring models of campus minister can be found among Catholic universities around the world and that thorough attention has to be paid to this issue, IFCU is about to launch a project aiming at creating an ambiance that nurtures the inner ethical and spiritual dimensions in students from Catholic universities where the “customer-provider” vision prevails in a great manner. IFCU wishes to contribute to the formation of holistic human beings that care for society and for their fellows.

International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) | International Organisation

Contact Person during the Symposium: Ms. Montserrat Alom  | International Research Chief

International Catholic Conference of Guidism

10 marzo 2017 |by | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

Guiding, in accordance with the intentions of its Founder Baden-Powell, leads young people to become the artisans of their own development, and its methods stimulate the maturity of the individual and of communities. It is because of this that Catholics recognize the values of the Gospel in the fundamentally liberating education propounded by the Guide method.

I.C.C.G. is a call from the Church to live a life of communion, to deepen Faith and to share Christian experience.
– it participates in the life of the Universal Church, particularly as an International Catholic Organization (I.C.O.) by offering its own experiences and receiving those of others;
– it ensures that the world of young people is represented within the Church;
– it participates in the evolution and deepening of the spiritual values of Guiding through the dialogue between Catholics and non-Catholics, believers and non-believers.

ICCG Movement

Contact Person during the Symposium: Petra Adamuskova | Europe Region Responsible

Catholic school – “Dobre gimnazjum”

9 marzo 2017 |by | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

One of the ways of accompanying young people by diocesan church in Poznan is running catholic schools. Students get integral upbringing including spiritual, intellectual and physical formation. We  desire to indicate them how to be a Christian and how to believe in Jesus in today’s world.
The school organization is based on creating good relationship between a student and a master. It can be realized both on teachers-students  basis and individuals-Jesus  one, as we believe it is Jesus who is the  greatest Master of all.
The school’s mission is also to cooperate with families the students come from as we strongly believe they should not replace them but support families .
Catholic schools emphasize not only the educational dimension but pedagogical one. “For the true education aims at formation of the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end and of the good of the societies of which, as man, he is a member, and in whose obligation, as an adult, he will share” (Declaration on christian education Gravissimum educationis, 1). So the aim of such a school is not only to prepare young people to take up tasks in their adult life but at the same time  to orient them on the ultimate aim which is salvation.


CEP – Catholic Education | BC Poland

Contact Person during the Symposium: Bishop Damian Bryl  | Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznan – Member of the Council for Family and of the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Bishop’s Conference

Abram: school of charity and mission

9 marzo 2017 |by | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

Abram – school of charity and mission – is an annual program which helps the youth to choose Christ in the Church and so to grow in their Christian missionary call in the contemporary world according to the graces given to the Emmanuel Community.

The weekly program contains 4 pillars: prayer, formation, mission and friendship. Each week the participants experience the praise and silent adoration, a Catechetical talk, sharing time in small groups and a time of snack. The weekly program is interrupted by different kinds of evening missionary activities or weekend retreats. Finally, every participant is personally accompanied by a team member of another member of the Emmanuel Community.

Youth pastoral care | Emmanuel Movement

Contact Person during the Symposium: Janez Evangelist Rus | Coordinator of youth in EU of Emmanuel Community

The Youth Choir and Orchestra – “Jordan” & “Paradiso2017”

9 marzo 2017 |by cceesitesAdmin | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche
The Youth Choir and Orchestra – “Jordan”

Young people nowadays want to be part of something important. They need the involvement into big social and at the same time spiritual events. One of many initiative prepared for young people in our diocese is the Choir and Orchestra Jordan. The band was created in 2015 and the idea was to gather people from the diocese to build a community in which they could together discover the beauty of sacred music. Firstly, it is important to look for young people who have passion and do care about music standard. Secondly, nothing could be better than observing young people involved in liturgical life of church. Liturgical music is very often underestimated but it is still very beautiful and young people want to spread it. What’s more, the priest plays an important role in this community. The priest should accompany young people and help them.

The conductor leads the choir and orchestra but the priest takes care of it – he is present during the rehearsals and pray with them, he meets with the leaders and explain them the liturgy, he organizes common services and prayers. Last but not least, it is crucial to build relationships with the members of the choir and orchestra and be open for new people who want to join. That’s why we organize common trips and events – to build the community and to create a space where young people feel good and develop at the same time.

World Youth Day Spirit Community – “Paradiso2017”

During the World Youth Day we could observed joy following from the meeting with other young Christians. Inspired with the World Youth Day, we’ve decided to organize a similar meeting in our diocese. End of June we are going to celebrate “Paradiso2017”. We invite young people from our diocese to come to Gostyń for five days and to make a big feast. Every day is connected with one of the Saints or Blessed. The main theme of the meeting is the kerygma.

We invited different bishops to lead the conferences for us. The dialogue with the bishops is for young people very important so there will also be an opportunity to ask questions. During the day young people will take part in different kind of workshops. There is a variety of possibilities to choose. The main goal is to develop young people’s passions. At the end of the day we will celebrate a Holy Mass with our bishops and with the liturgical arrangement by our Choir and Orchestra Jordan. Each day will end with a concert. It is the first week of summer holiday so we plan to combine the time for pleasure and the time for prayer. Young people can come to “Paradiso2017” with their priests or catechists or even alone – everyone is invited.

We are preparing a campsite and arranging a place for meals. We want to create a kind of Young People’s Town – the place where they will rest, meet new people, integrate, pray and develop.

CEP – Youth pastoral care | BC Poland

Contact Person during the Symposium: Bishop Damian Bryl  | Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznan – Member of the Council for Family and of the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Bishop’s Conference

St. Roch Student Pastoral Care Centre & University Chaplaincy „PLUS”

8 marzo 2017 |by cceesitesAdmin | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche
St. Roch Student Pastoral Care Centre ( Archdiocese of Poznan)

St. Roch Student Ministry acts at St. Roch Parish in Poznan. It is located close to the campus of Poznan University of Technology. Many young people who join the Ministry are students at this University. At the Ministry there are several groups which meet regularly at a Holy Mass and group meetings during the week:
Catholic Youth Association is a group of students who want to have solid foundation of faith and evangelize others showing that faith in Jesus Christ can guide us at work and universities, in the media or public space.
Diakonia of Prayer gathers students who want to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible, by spiritual formation and in relationship with another person.
Ciupa is a group in which students help disabled people in everyday activities. They pray and spend time together. Ciupa is a unique group in which the disabled can experience love and students can really learn to serve others.
Most is a post-academic group for people who already graduated but still want to develop their faith in a community.
Once a month a Holy Mass in English is celebrated together with a Bible meeting for international students.
Holy Masses on Sunday evenings, vigils, early morning masses celebrated in Advent, retreats and many other events taking place at the Ministry are beautified by singing of the student schola.
Every Sunday evening is a unique time at the Ministry. Students can adore the Host, meet Jesus Christ in confession and in the Eucharist during a special Holy Mass at 8:00 pm.
St. Roch Student Ministry is a community of good, interesting and enthusiastic people who are aware that the presence of Jesus Christ in their lives is what they really need and what they long for.

Centro di pastorale universitaria „PLUS” (Archdiocese of Poznań)

La pastorale degli studenti accademici di nome „PLUS” svolge la sua attivitá presso il convento dei Frati minori ( Francescani) in Poznań. Al detto gruppo appartengono piú di 100 persone. Lunedì é il giorno sportivo: giocchiamo pallavollo; martedì facciamo un incontro formativo; mercoledì è una giornata delle prove del gruppo teatrale: domenica invece, prima della Messa accademica fa le prove la scola.

CEP – Office of Student pastoral care & Office of University Pastoral Care | BC Poland

Contact Person during the Symposium: Bishop Damian Bryl  | Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznan – Member of the Council for Family and of the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Bishop’s Conference

Worldwide study on students attending Catholic universities

8 marzo 2017 |by cceesitesAdmin | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche

The worldwide study on “Youth cultures in catholic universities” conducted by the Federation in 2013 covered over 17,000 students in 55 universities from 35 countries in the world and revealed, among others, that students perceive the university as a course provider allowing them to prepare mainly for their professional lives. A consequence of this so-narrow image of a Catholic university is that the influence of Catholic ideals as well as the university campus minister on students is incredibly tiny.

International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) | International Organisation

Contact Person during the Symposium: Ms. Montserrat Alom  | International Research Chief

The young on the threshold || Annual School of Youth Animators

8 marzo 2017 |by cceesitesAdmin | 0 Comments | Buone Pratiche
The young on the threshold – preparation to the sacrament of Confirmation

The aim of the program is not to transfer knowledge but to lead a young man to the decision of faith, which is personal encounter with Jesus as a living Person. The other goal is to arouse the need of community of growth in the Church. Candidates to Confirmation should be guided in a way they would like to enter the religious community of peers and become its animators, ready to share the experience of faith.

Annual School of Youth Animators

Its aim is to form future leaders and animators ready to work with the youth. Classes take place once a month throughout the academic year and specialists of different areas are invited to guide them e.g. the biblical foundations, the spiritual life, the principles of social communication and evangelization. Meetings are held in an interactive way to prepare young leaders for the young efficiently.

CEP – Office of Youth Pastoral Care | BC Poland

Contact Person during the Symposium: Bishop Damian Bryl  | Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznan – Member of the Council for Family and of the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Bishop’s Conference
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