The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0Ciupa is a community where we take care of disabled people. Ciupa can be described by a lot of different words: love, integration, celebration, prayer. Thanks to taking care about each other we shape our hearts.
We meet every Thursday on evening Holy Mass in a Chapel. After the Mass we go to our room where we spend time together. During our meeting we talk about our problems, drink tea and eat some sweets. In December we bake gingerbread, during the Lent we prepare Way of the Cross, sometimes we have a party or we play some games. At 21.00 we mentally connect with Czestochowa and sing Jasna Góra appeal.
In our meetings participate about 40 people. Volunteers are mainly students , but not always. We have also people who finished study and they work now, in our community sometimes appear people under 18 years old. Though we are in different age, have different mental efficiency and body of some of us sometimes can not do easy things we find common ground.
Every year we collect money to go to the camp. Thanks to good people who help us we spend about week during the holidays in a place next to Poznan. On those camps we pray together, play games, swim in a lake and do many beautiful things. It is very important time for our community.
One of the most important thing in our community are bonds. We meet in our homes, call each other, become friends. Thanks to love which we receive from disabled people we learn how to love.