The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0Life teen is a methodology of catechesis for teenagers in parishes that comes from USA, based in sessions of 4 parts (Life nights). 5 years ago arrived to Spain and now is in more than 30 spanish parishes and in different European parishes. Life Teen offers a methodology, trainings and a lot of resources. Their charisma is the inculturation in the teenage culture to lead teens close to Christ, and they really do it very well. All the Spanish parishes that are using it are really excited with the results and the changes they are experienced.
Jordi Massegú is the responsible for Spain, and during 11-12 march the European Life teen conference has been done in the Seminar in Barcelona with 200 participants. We think it’s a good and powerful tool to know and. USA is not Europe, but their teenagers are not so different than ours. And if in something the Catholic American Church is good is working on youth.