The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0St. Roch Student Ministry acts at St. Roch Parish in Poznan. It is located close to the campus of Poznan University of Technology. Many young people who join the Ministry are students at this University. At the Ministry there are several groups which meet regularly at a Holy Mass and group meetings during the week:
Catholic Youth Association is a group of students who want to have solid foundation of faith and evangelize others showing that faith in Jesus Christ can guide us at work and universities, in the media or public space.
Diakonia of Prayer gathers students who want to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible, by spiritual formation and in relationship with another person.
Ciupa is a group in which students help disabled people in everyday activities. They pray and spend time together. Ciupa is a unique group in which the disabled can experience love and students can really learn to serve others.
Most is a post-academic group for people who already graduated but still want to develop their faith in a community.
Once a month a Holy Mass in English is celebrated together with a Bible meeting for international students.
Holy Masses on Sunday evenings, vigils, early morning masses celebrated in Advent, retreats and many other events taking place at the Ministry are beautified by singing of the student schola.
Every Sunday evening is a unique time at the Ministry. Students can adore the Host, meet Jesus Christ in confession and in the Eucharist during a special Holy Mass at 8:00 pm.
St. Roch Student Ministry is a community of good, interesting and enthusiastic people who are aware that the presence of Jesus Christ in their lives is what they really need and what they long for.
La pastorale degli studenti accademici di nome „PLUS” svolge la sua attivitá presso il convento dei Frati minori ( Francescani) in Poznań. Al detto gruppo appartengono piú di 100 persone. Lunedì é il giorno sportivo: giocchiamo pallavollo; martedì facciamo un incontro formativo; mercoledì è una giornata delle prove del gruppo teatrale: domenica invece, prima della Messa accademica fa le prove la scola.