CCEE’s Symposium on young people concludes in Barcelona
This morning saw the conclusion of the Symposium in Barcelona on accompanying young people, organised...
0While in Barcelona feverish preparations are under way for the European Symposium on the accompaniment of young people, in the last few months, the over 250 participants have been working on the big event scheduled for the end of this month (March 28 through 31) by means of an educational aid in twelve points. Some of its topics: 1) Jesus and the accompaniment; 2) Christian enthusiasm and the will of God; 3) Difference and relationship; 4) Identity and life; 5) Community and family; 6) Family and Church; 7) Hope and fullness of life; 8) Joy and life; 9) Young people and their vocabularies; 10) Accompanying and Holy Spirit; 11) Examination of conscience and testimony; 12) Evangelization and Christ.
The document is the result of extensive consultation. In September 2015, a committee made up of representatives of five pastoral areas (catechesis, school, university, youth, and vocations) met in Malta and drew up a document which was then discussed during the first half of 2016 in separate meetings with the national delegates of the five areas. As many as possible of their comments were then integrated in the final document, drawn up in Madrid by another small committee representing the five pastoral areas.
Please find the aid on the Symposium website (symposium2017.ccee.eu).
“Young people are crucial to the life of the Church and society! They have many gifts to share and that we should give value to: dedication, creativity, generosity, desire to get to know and welcome the other persons, or rather, a great desire to love and to be loved, to know the truth and adhere to it. They believe they can change the world, and it is right and good that they believe it…,” says Msgr. Duarte da Cunha, Secretary General of CCEE, who adds: “Accompanying young people thus becomes a beautiful mission that Jesus has entrusted to us. It means for the one who accompanies, to follow the light of God along with young people. The life of the persons who accompany them does not need to be perfect, but they must look at God and live the present moment with commitment. Thus, even when a young person is to go beyond an obstacle, the one who accompanies will be able to give him/her a direction, a new perspective that may also become an attractive proposal, in contrast to consumerism that is unable to fill the human heart. The action of loving young people leads to testify by words and deeds that it is worthwhile going ahead, what is good and what is bad, and what is true happiness. There is, in fact, no greater joy for an educator than seeing that the young person has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that he/she becomes conscious of being able to freely give his/her life for others as well as to become in turn a true witness and guide for others. This means that we must take care not only of young people but also of the families and the communities, in order to make them increasingly ready to help and enthused by this mission to show Christ and walk with Him. This is why, in Barcelona, the program will include moments of prayer and the daily celebration of the Eucharist, during which we will pray for vocations (Wednesday 29) and for the family (Thursday 30).”
A vigil of prayer of the young people of Barcelona for the young people across all Europe
In the evening of Wednesday, March 29, at 7.45 pm at the Church of St. Anne (Plazoleta de Santa Ana, 29 – 08002 Barcelona), the young people of the diocesan youth ministry service will animate a prayer vigil. This vigil was conceived as an evening of prayer for the youth of Europe, with some testimonies interspersed with moments of worship and singing. At the end, the young animators from Barcelona will meet with participants in a moment of conviviality.
The speakers
During the Symposium, a number of speakers will take turns to share with the participants their reflections around the theme of the meeting.
The speakers, all of them top level, will represent bodies of the Vatican, bodies of CCEE, or bodies of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences in charge of the youth ministry. Of course, even young people themselves will give their contribution. Please find the speakers’ list on the Symposium website.
Information for the Press
Journalists who are interested in covering the meeting may apply for accreditation before March 24 on this webpage: http://symposium2017.ccee.eu/media/
Warning: Access to the meeting room and the press room will be exclusively allowed to accredited journalists who will receive a special badge. Please pay attention to the requirements for participation on: http://symposium2017.ccee.eu/media/
A Press Conference to introduce the event will take place on March 24th at 11:30 am at the Seminario Conciliar (Carrer de la Diputació, 231 – 08007 Barcelona).
Our speakers: H. Ex. Msgr. Juan José Omella Omella, Archbishop of Barcelona; Msgr. Gil Tamayo, Secretary General of the Spanish Catholic Bishops’ Conference; and Fr. Michel Remery, Deputy Secretary General of the CCEE and organizer of the Symposium.
The journalists who wish to participate on-site and receive a press kit, are kindly invited to specify this request when applying for accreditation or send an email to: media@ccee.eu
The press conference will be re-transmitted live streaming on the following website: symposium2017.ccee.eu