The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0A young journalist, for whom the catholic church is merely an antiquated institution, accompanies a young priest in his daily life. For a whole year she spends about two weeks in a month with him: She observes his prayer practice, his work as a chaplain in a parish and she accompanies him in his free time.
She wants to know, why a young man like him chooses to be a priest. What does the believe in God means to him, how does this influence his life and his actions and the way he thinks? She writes about their conversations and her impressions in a blog and on facebook. There are also a lot of video clips, where their dialogues about a wide range of topics are shown, which can also be fewed on a youtube-channel. By the means the internet offers we can present hit rates, that show, how very successful this project is. With the blog and the site on facebook we get monthly in touch with 600.000 to 1.3 Mio. people.
The people, who read the texts and watch the videos, are essentialy young people between 18 and 24. Among them there are a lot of, who are active believers, but there are even more, who are distant from the church or nonbelievers. For all of them the project offers an opportunity to find answers to questions, they wouldn´t have asked without an outward impulse. The project is initiated and accounted for by the German National center for vocation in cooperation with the Bishop’s conference and an agency, that is specalized in strategic planning.