The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0Young people nowadays want to be part of something important. They need the involvement into big social and at the same time spiritual events. One of many initiative prepared for young people in our diocese is the Choir and Orchestra Jordan. The band was created in 2015 and the idea was to gather people from the diocese to build a community in which they could together discover the beauty of sacred music. Firstly, it is important to look for young people who have passion and do care about music standard. Secondly, nothing could be better than observing young people involved in liturgical life of church. Liturgical music is very often underestimated but it is still very beautiful and young people want to spread it. What’s more, the priest plays an important role in this community. The priest should accompany young people and help them.
The conductor leads the choir and orchestra but the priest takes care of it – he is present during the rehearsals and pray with them, he meets with the leaders and explain them the liturgy, he organizes common services and prayers. Last but not least, it is crucial to build relationships with the members of the choir and orchestra and be open for new people who want to join. That’s why we organize common trips and events – to build the community and to create a space where young people feel good and develop at the same time.
During the World Youth Day we could observed joy following from the meeting with other young Christians. Inspired with the World Youth Day, we’ve decided to organize a similar meeting in our diocese. End of June we are going to celebrate “Paradiso2017”. We invite young people from our diocese to come to Gostyń for five days and to make a big feast. Every day is connected with one of the Saints or Blessed. The main theme of the meeting is the kerygma.
We invited different bishops to lead the conferences for us. The dialogue with the bishops is for young people very important so there will also be an opportunity to ask questions. During the day young people will take part in different kind of workshops. There is a variety of possibilities to choose. The main goal is to develop young people’s passions. At the end of the day we will celebrate a Holy Mass with our bishops and with the liturgical arrangement by our Choir and Orchestra Jordan. Each day will end with a concert. It is the first week of summer holiday so we plan to combine the time for pleasure and the time for prayer. Young people can come to “Paradiso2017” with their priests or catechists or even alone – everyone is invited.
We are preparing a campsite and arranging a place for meals. We want to create a kind of Young People’s Town – the place where they will rest, meet new people, integrate, pray and develop.