The Catholic App
The Catholic App (www.thecatholicapp.com) is an innovative mobile app being developed for all Catholics in...
0In Poznan we find the strength to build a community around the altar. The church has long figured out that attend Mass on Sunday is the most important. Therefore, we do not invent new forms, but together we pray and gather in the church, and there are born initiatives and ideas. We want everyone in the community was responsible for something. One for reading, one for the service, another for candles and incense. The others can help create a charity and care for the sick and elderly. Everyone does something and why we feel the joy of being useful.
Today at the Mass comes from 500 to 1,000 people. People know each other, communicate to each other with joy the sign of peace, therefore, the Mass is true.
That’s what we hear we are trying to realize that the Church was not closed, but in order to experience in everyday life, on the street. We feel joy that what we hear and what we pray for becomes reality.
Spartakiada Zimowa is a name of nationwide polish competitions organised by Catholic Youth Association. Every year a different slogan is chosen, in 2016 year it was a quotation of saint Pierre George Frassati: „to live – not to vegetate”. It was not only about promoting healthy role of sports. Organizers also wanted to convince youth, that other activities, work, charity are really valuable activities as well.
Every year competitions are free of charge and participants can choose one or more from several category: skiing, snowboarding or „ride on just anything”, and in the last one both individuals and groups can participate – in this category creativity (not time) matters. 2016’s winners built an egg-vehicle, as an metaphor of life. During competitions there are also some games and quizes for spectactors.
Everything happens thanks to God and volunteers. A lot of helping hands from Catholic Youth Association take part in this modern evangelism connected with sport. Weather also seems to be on our side – few days before competitions there were six degrees Celsius, in a day before competitions the snow had fallen.