Worldwide study on students attending Catholic universities

cceesites sites > Symposium 2017 > Buone Pratiche > Worldwide study on students attending Catholic universities

Worldwide study on students attending Catholic universities

8 marzo 2017 | cceesitesAdmin | Buone Pratiche

The worldwide study on “Youth cultures in catholic universities” conducted by the Federation in 2013 covered over 17,000 students in 55 universities from 35 countries in the world and revealed, among others, that students perceive the university as a course provider allowing them to prepare mainly for their professional lives. A consequence of this so-narrow image of a Catholic university is that the influence of Catholic ideals as well as the university campus minister on students is incredibly tiny.

International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) | International Organisation

Contact Person during the Symposium: Ms. Montserrat Alom  | International Research Chief